FieldRequired?Values to EnterRemarks
$k8ImageUUIDYesUUID from imageThe UUID is unique in the Klixel8 universe of processed images and is used as a key ID for all things related to the image.
$k8ParametersNobuttons: address to use for zoom buttons
buttonsDiv: div name to contain zoom buttons
initialZoom: default is 1, use to load to a different amount
accessibility: default is on, value of "off" turns off the features
maintainAspect: default is true, chaf = false, cha=true.
resizeMode: "fill" expands image to fit w or h when maintainAspect is false
maxZoom: default is 12, max possible is 50
minZoom: default is 1, can equal maxZoom
cbDoneLoadParams: deprecated
overlays: default is none, else HTML ID, X, Y, Width, Height
Load options for setting up active image. Example: maintainAspect=false&resizeMode=fill
$k8DivIdYesk81 is defaultOK to use default except where two or more Active Images appear in a single web page; all same-page Active Images must have different/separate DivId's. Can be used in k8custom.js to define special behaviors Div by Div.
$k8k8userJSYesPoints to required k8user.js; this defines info panel behavior.This can be modified to point to future versions if desired. Klixel8 will leave all versions in place to ensure perpetual compatibility for deployed Active Images.
$k8klixel8JSYesPoints to required klixel8.js; this defines active image behavior.This can be modified to point to future versions if desired. Klixel8 will leave all versions in place to ensure perpetual compatibility for deployed Active Images.
$k8DataJson:YesPoints to JSON file that contains info panel metadataModifications to the Builder elements are saved in this file.
$k8BaseContentUrlNoDefaults to Klixel8 Amazon S3 location.Use to point to customer specified file location in case the customer needs to host tile files etc on own server
$k8PageTitleYesAs desired.Fills the browser tab and HTML metatag for "title".
$k8ButtonsAddressNoDefaults to the Klixel8 S3 folder. Path to alternative button files may be specified here.Original Open Sea Dragon buttons are the default.
$k8ButtonsDivNoDefault: Buttons nested in the upper right corner of the Active Image. Specify alternative location using the div ID of HTML Div on the page that will contain the buttons.This specifies where in the loaded image that the buttons appear, i.e., upper right, lower right, bottom middle, etc.
$k8MP4VideoFileNoURL to .mp4 file; can be absolute or relative. eg. images/xyz.mp4Enter ONLY an .mp4 OR a Youtube video URL. The video loads, plays, and fades out, immediately followed by the Active Image fading in.
$k8YouTubeVideoAddressNoURL for desired Youtube video, e.g.: ONLY an .mp4 OR a Youtube video URL. The video loads, plays, and fades out, immediately followed by the Active Image fading in.
$k8LoadLogoNoURL to image to fade in/out after active image loadThe logo fades in immediately following Active Image load, shows briefly, then fades out. Can be .jpg or .png format.
$k8LoadTextNoString that fades in/out after active image load; only triggered by a video having completed.Formatted according to user.css file settings
$k8FontsNoDeprecatedFonts are handled in CSS.
$k8MetaNameDescriptionNoAs desiredmeta name="description"
$k8MetaItemPropNameNoAs desiredmeta itemprop="name" ( markup for Google+)
$k8MetaPropertyOgTitleNoAs desiredmeta property="og:title"
$k8MetaNameTwitterTitleNoAs desiredmeta name="twitter:title" (Twitter Card data)
$k8MetaItemPropDescriptionNoAs desiredmeta itemprop="description" ( markup for Google+)
$k8MetaNameTwitterDescriptionNoAs desiredmeta name="twitter:description" (Twitter Card data -Description here less than 200 characters)
$k8MetaPropertyOgDescriptionNoAs desiredog:description
$k8MetaNameTwitterSiteNoAs desiredmeta name="twitter:site" (Twitter Card data: @publisher_handle)
$k8MetaPropertyOgSiteNameNoAs desiredmeta property="og:site_name (Facebook Open Graph data)